Growing your score by 5 or more points could lead to better offers, lower rates and a chance to win $1,000* towards paying down your BayPort debt!
Credit Score in Online Banking gives you free access to credit factors that can help you improve your score. Plus, set up goals and receive a customized Credit Score Action Plan to increase your score even more.
Get started today, and you could win Credit Score Member of the Month and $1,000.
Meet our winners!
Our very first Credit Score Member of the Month, Andrea Denton, was selected at random to win $1,000 towards paying down debt. Andrea has been a member of BayPort for over 20 years and made a goal this year to be debt-free! With some hard work, she improved her credit score by 5+ points!

Congratulations to Carrie Biddeson for being selected as our October Credit Score Member of the Month! By improving her credit score by 5+ points, she was selected at random to win $1,000 towards paying down debt!

With a new month comes a new winner. Will you be next? Register for Credit Score in Online Banking for your chance to win!