Pay ahead on your loan or build your emergency fund… Why not both? Introducing Take-Backs™.
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Introducing Take-Back Loans from BayPort.
Take-Backs empower you to pay ahead because you can access extra funds over your monthly minimum payment. Anytime. Any reason. Penalty-free.
Step 1
Pay more than your minimum monthly payment as your budget allows. Easily access your personal dashboard in online banking to see the impact of changes before you make them.
Step 2
Every dollar you pay above your minimum payment gets added to your Take-Back balance. You can access this extra cash whenever you want. No penalties. No fees. Just financial relief.
Step 3
The more you pay ahead, the faster you can pay off your loan. And the more money you have available to access if you need it later. Giving you peace of mind today and tomorrow.
Step 4
Paying off your loan early means you’ll owe less interest. The sooner the balance is paid off, the more money you’ll save! Just one more reason to celebrate being debt-free.
You can apply for a new loan with Take-Backs. Or add Take-Backs to your current BayPort loan. Are you ready to manage debt differently? Find my new loan
Cover surprise costs right away. Or keep saving for a rainy day. No matter what you do, you’ll never pay fees or penalties.
Seriously. There are no fees or prepayment penalties. Your rate and term remain the same. Just turn it on and use it when you need it.
Take-Back Feature: When activated, your loan’s free Take-Back feature allows you to make additional payments, above and beyond your required monthly minimum payments, and draw back against some or all of those additional funds (“Take-Back Balance”) throughout the term of your loan – with no fees or changes to your loan’s original interest rate. All loan payments are applied as documented in your loan’s Truth in Lending Act disclosure. Additional payments do not eliminate your requirement to make your loan’s monthly minimum payments. Subject to applicable law, payments are applied at our discretion.
Dashboard: Your loan’s free Take-Back feature comes with a convenient digital user interface (“Dashboard”) that enables you to view your current balance; see your available Take-Back funds; review payment activity; calculate potential interest saved and term reductions; proactively manage your personal profile; adjust your monthly payments, activate auto-pay; make one-time payments and execute Take-Back transactions.
Autopay: By activating autopay, you authorize our institution to apply the amount you designate from the account you identify within your Dashboard to satisfy your loan’s monthly minimum payment and contribute, if applicable, to your available Take-Back Balance.
Contact one of our loan representatives for additional information, details, and activation instructions.
Take-Back, Take-Backs, Take-Back Balance; Take-Back Feature are trademarks of Kasasa, Ltd., registered in the U.S.A.